Shutter Speed Notes

You will need to check:
ISO settings- how sensitive the sensor is to light
Aperture- control on how much light enters the lens
Exposure- amount of light per unit area depending on time
Shutter speed dictates how long the sensor will be exposed for.

How to achieve FIVE classic shutter speed effects:
1.) Freeze movement
Switch to shutter priority, set auto focus mode, avoid noise at high ISO's
2.) Blur action shots
Don't have too much movement or too little, set focus mode on Al Servo or Continuous AF
3.) Change up the blur style
Change the seconds, keep it steady, make sure highlights are correctly exposed on the camera
4.) Slow right down
Switch to manual mode and create light trails for aesthetic purposes
5.) Night time shooting
Have the right settings for star trails and select the bulb mode in the display


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