Night Time Notes

Learn your ABC's

A= Astro photography
B= Bulb
C= Composition
D= Dynamic range
E= Equatorial mount
F= Firespin
G= Galaxy
H= Head torch
I= Image stabilisation
K= Kit essentials
L= Long exposure
M= Moon
N= Noise
O= Optics
P= Painting with light
Q= Quality
R= Raw
S= Star trails
T- Tripod
U= Underexposure
V= Vehicles
W= Wrap up warm
X= X sync
Y= You
Z= Zoom burst

Now you know your ABC's, next time won't you shoot with me? :P
Alright for reals now this was a pretty cool article because I never thought to take pictures at nighttime since it would be super dark. However, now that I know what you MUST include when you do decide to take nighttime pictures. Now that I know my ABC's for shooting at night, I will definitely be including some bomb pictures! Thanks!


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