Film Cameras vs. Digital Cameras

FC- film behind lens, photo gets printed on the film, new photo requires a new and fresh film
DC- CCD behind lens, photo get valued on the pixels, new photo requires saving and emptying CCD

FC- expense of every roll of film, develops negative and prints, every shutter costs
DC- no cost to its erasable memory,saving photos on a disk is super duper cheap, almost nothing

FC- very limited, each roll has specific amount, changing rolls can take time
DC- many photos can be kept at once, infinite capacity if you always store them on your disk

FC- no way to know how the photo on the film will look until printed at end
DC- instant feedback, you can go to LCD screen to see right away, make it better and improve picture

#5- Angles
FC-you must look at the viewfinder to see how your picture looks like, less angles
DC- you can look anywhere, put the camera farther away to get better angles in pictures

#6- Correction
FC- what you get is what you get, hard to make corrections, long process to fix
DC- photo editing software to fix, some correction may be found on camera, if not fix on PC

#7- Conditions
FC- every roll of film is made for a specific environment, conditions change rapidly/often
DC- characteristic can be changed instantly, some cameras sense the environment independently

#8- Longetivity
FC- show a certain look of deterioration but in an antique and vintage way
DC- they never ever lose their quality as long as refreshed on its memory and backed up


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