
Showing posts from August, 2016


My friend is touching the sun  Ahhh sun bathing Sunset Lighting is A1 Big head boy Horizons oooh A random house I got lost here  CA streets Meadows

Recreate Pictures


Frederick Sommer

     Frederick Sommer was an famous photographer born in Angri, Italy on September 7, 1905. He was considered a master in art photography. Although, he first started at age 26 in 1931 and later on got diagnosed with tuberculosis a year later. After dying on January 23,199, his wife Frances Elisabeth Sommer died four months later. Besides having a talent in art, he also made music scores and held a degree in Landscape Architecture from Cornell. He also became an American citizen on November 18,1940. This picture of a chicken is my favorite because I hate chickens.                                                                   


I was walking down the street and saw a shadow I liked this palm tree The patter of this light is so cool My fat arm  Into the wilderness I am so hip Bridges are nice  Doggies are the best pets ever This building made a very big shadow  The shadow of this bush was pretty

Vocabulary Quizzie Thingy

1.) f/stop: f 2.) ISO: g 3.) jpeg: a 4.) LCD: i 5.) LED: k 6.) GB: d 7.) AF: e 8.) SLR: j 9.) MF: c 10.) VR: h 11.) DSLR: l 12.) MB: b

Extra Credit



- This video covered the basics of photography - There are three things that change the exposure in a picture - The exposure of a picture can make a picture either bad or good - The three things are aperture, shutter speed, and ISO - There must be a balance between these three things  - The aperture affects the amount of light that comes into the sensor - The aperture also affects the depth of the field - The depth of the field affects the focus of the picture - The shutter speed determines the length of the exposure - The shutter speed also determines how much blur there is - The ISO affects the sensitivity of the sensor to the light 

Three Pictures

-girl with camera -black and white -camera is Olympus -camera says photography -some time of writing in the background -girl has long hair -film on the right side -ink spots on both top corners -girl walking rain -black and white -street photography -girl is smiling -girl is in uniform  -girl is about 10 years old -rain is pouring hard -buildings and trees around her -dog in the center -black and white -street photography -dog is being watched by a man -man appears to be in his 50's -dog appears to be stray -dog is old and dirty -woman is about to walk past the dog and man -statue of man on the bench  -buildings around them