Vocabulary 1

abstract - artwork with brief and simplified subject matter which has little or no attempt at all to portray images realistically by using distorted images

background - part of picture plane appearing to be the farthest away from the viewer

content - feelings,ideas,or message that is conveyed in artwork 

contrast - variation between two like with color,texture,or value in a composition by putting it side by side and showing the degree of difference between the darkest and lightest parts of the artwork

elements of art - sensory components like shape/form, texture, value, color, space, and line to make artwork 

hue - specific name of a color

intensity - chrome/saturation. brightness of a color, being full in intensity only when pure and not mixed. can be changed by adding black, white, gray, or opposite color

line - point moving in space that can differ in width, length, curvature, direction, or color

middle ground - area of two dimensional shown between foreground and background in artwork

monochromatic - color scheme of only one hue that can vary in intensity or in value


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